Terms & Conditions

2023 Dogwood Regional Exhibition Terms & Conditions

Online Entry Procedure: There is a non-refundable entry fee of $15 per application (you may submit up to three works per application). All image uploads must be in jpg form. The file name should be as follows: ArtistName: (JohnSmith) _title of work. Example: JohnSmith_Orange Painting.jpg. The file size should be 300 dpi, and as close to 1 MB or less. The widest side should not exceed 2,000 pixels. Jury results will be forwarded via email. 

Sales: The following commission applies to all sales: 25% (20% for cash/check sales). To  operate in accordance with the Tennessee Department of Revenue guidelines, the Arts & Culture Alliance will add sales tax to the price of each work  that sells from the Emporium and for which it collects payment. Sales tax is NOT added to works being shipped out of state.  Sales are permitted as a service to patrons of the ACA. However, ACA cannot guarantee such sales. The receipt of funds from  sales, the retention of commissions, and the disbursement of monies to Artist will be handled by ACA. Sold works are to  remain in the exhibition until its official close unless an alternate arrangement can be reached that is mutually agreeable to ACA, Artist, and the purchaser of the artwork. 

* work is NOT required to be for sale. 

Handling: Dogwood Arts agrees to handle all artwork with proper care so that artwork will not be damaged, excepting ordinary wear and tear. Dogwood Arts shall not be liable for damage or loss caused by war, confiscation, order of any government or public authority,  or by any and all causes beyond the control of Dogwood Arts.  

Theft, Damage or Loss: Dogwood Arts agrees to notify Artist within 36 hours by telephone, e-mail, and/or written notification upon the  event of any theft, damage or loss that occurs while artwork is in the possession of Dogwood Arts. In the event of loss or damage to artwork at fault of Dogwood Arts, Dogwood Arts agrees to compensate up to reasonable market value on each artwork as agreed upon by Artist and Dogwood Arts Executive Director. 

Insurance/Artwork Inventory: The Arts & Culture Alliance provides up to $25,000 of insurance on all artwork within the Emporium. If necessary,  Artist will insure work above that amount. Artist must furnish Dogwood Arts with an inventory of artwork to be exhibited, including the title, media, and sale price prior to the exhibition opening. Dogwood Arts will provide Artist with an Excel spreadsheet for this  information, which will be used to generate gallery tags for artwork. Unclaimed work is not insured after the posted pick-up date. Artists are responsible for insuring work while in transit.

Transportation: Moving or shipping artwork to and from the Emporium/Dogwood Arts will be the sole responsibility of Artist. 

Installation: Works must be suitably framed/mounted and WIRED to hang. Work should be ready to exhibit according to  accepted Museum standards (i.e., canvases should be stretched with finished edges, drawings should be at least mounted and  matted or fitted with Plexiglas). Dogwood Arts reserves the right to inspect and, if necessary, prepare or request Artist to prepare the  artwork for exhibition according to said standards. Dogwood Arts reserves the right to refuse to display any object for any reason. 

Multiple Use Policy: The Emporium Center is a multi-use space available to individuals and organizations for public and  private events that are arranged through ACA. All functions must be deemed appropriate to the facilities and must not  interfere with normal working conditions or current arts and cultural programming. No renter will be allowed to rearrange,  modify, or remove any artwork or cultural programming present in the Emporium, not even temporarily during the renter's  scheduled event. However, there may be times when ACA deems it necessary to adjust the position of an artwork in order to  protect it from possible damage during an event. If that occurs, ACA will make every effort to contact Artist to arrange for the  artwork to be moved. If Artist is unavailable to move the object, ACA will adjust the position of the artwork, taking every  precaution to preserve the integrity and safety of the artwork. 

Publicity: Artist agrees to provide Dogwood Arts with biographical information, artist's statement, digital images, and other materials as requested. Artist agrees to allow Dogwood Arts and the Arts & Culture Alliance to photograph Artist's artwork for publicity,  education, and catalog purposes. 

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